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Boost your cool in DropTemp® Cooling Cotton.

Experience the icy thrill of our active cooling technology.

Introducing: The SAXX Gamechangers. 

A man repeated three times in various posed with a golf club. he is wearing a blue cap and bocer briefs.

SAXX PRO: High-performance underwear.

Experience game-changing pairs with cutting-edge technology.

A man standing against a grey background wearing a pair of abstract print boxer briefs.

Vibe Xtra: Your favorite pair, upgraded.

Our #1 best-selling style with all-new life-changing technology.

Shop Vibe Xtra
5 stars from 19,746 verified reviews

Proudly Canadian since 2006.  

Founded in Vancouver in 2006, we're Proudly Canadian. Explore Canadian men's favorite pouch underwear.